So anyways, we get ready to go to BDubs. I curled my hair for like the first time ever and it actually turned out pretty well! As I was in the bathroom doing that, Spenser kept coming up to the door and getting his groove on...very entertaining. Finally, we walked to BDubs with Bobby and met like 15 other people there including mostly AED people, Kelly, and Justin. Bobby first ordered a Long Island Iced Tea and then a Margarita. After finishing our food, Bobby and his little, Greg, played darts and pool while the rest of us just sat and talked. Taylor and Christine left because Taylor had to drive home. Before everyone else dispersed, a random guy at the other pool table bought Bobby a shot so that was cool.
Now, here is where I can no longer tell you the happenings of Bobby's night. Dan, Akshay, and Kevin took him out to the bars where my only indication of his level of drunkenness is a few texts and some facebook postings by Akshay (which you can view on Bobby's wall).
But...there was still excitement going on at CART house as well. When I got home, I found Spenser stumbling around giggling his head off. It was only 10:00. So, I went in Christine's room and played around on my computer for a while. Until...Justin and Kelly showed up at the door. For some unknown reason, they thought there was a party at our house. Teener and I had to explain to them that no one but us and our drunk roommate and his friends were home and that nothing interesting was going on. Meanwhile, Spenser has been in the shower for over 20 minutes. I got worried that he was passed out in there and made Christine go knock on the door. She did and he didn't answer. But finally he did so don't worry he's alive! It took some time, but finally Justin and Kelly got the hint that we weren't going to entertain them and they left. I went to the bathroom to get ready for bed, where I became fairly convinced that Spenser had showered in cologne, and then went to sleep.
It was a good night and made me super excited for our SUPER AMAZING AWESOME EPIC 21ST!